After thirty years of serving the Seventh-day Adventist Church in The Bahamas, with 11 of those years spent at the Atlantic Caribbean Union (ATCU) headquarters, Mrs. Deena McPhee became the union’s first retiree on December 31, 2021.
On December 14, 2021, the ATCU headquarters family gathered for their annual end-of-year get-together. The highlight of the occasion was the surprise celebration for Mrs. McPhee who was recognized and thanked for her dedicated service and sacrifice over the years. She was also presented with gifts, and video tributes were given by union office staff and directors, conference administrators, friends, family members, and former colleagues, including Dr. Leonard Johnson, executive secretary of the Inter-American Division and former president of ATCU.
“Your special gifts and abilities, wonderful personality, and temperament make it easy for us to work together,” said Peter Kerr, ATCU president. “I thank you for all the help you gave me and [the] other administrators in making our work easy and making us look good. We surely will miss you, but we wish you well in your retirement.”
In response, Mrs. McPhee shared a video presentation expressing thanks to all for the love, respect, and family bonds she received from everyone.
“It is with mixed emotions that I voice my sincere appreciation to have been given the opportunity to serve in God’s vineyard for 30 years. I will never forget the wonderful memories during my tenure. It was a buzz of excitement and camaraderie when we met for sessions and meetings. Retirement, here I come. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.”
Many who have worked with Mrs. McPhee describe her as supportive and diligent with a wonderful personality and an air of calmness surrounding her wherever she went. She has been an excellent worker for the Adventist Church in the Atlantic Caribbean region, and part of this success comes from her humility and trust in God.
Mrs. McPhee has served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in The Bahamas since 1991. Before joining the union headquarters in 2011, she worked as the office secretary at the elementary division of Bahamas Academy and as an administrative assistant at the headquarters of the Bahamas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. At the union, she served capably as the only administrative assistant. ATCU wishes Mrs. McPhee and her family God’s continued blessings in her retirement.