Family Ministries Department

Pastor Terry Tanis


The department of family ministries seeks to strengthen, inspire hope, and bring healing to marriages, families, and individuals through the abundant love of Jesus Christ.

Its objectives are:

  • To prepare families for the kingdom of God and to help hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
  • To strengthen the home as a discipling center where family members grow in their relationship with Christ and with each other.
  • To give careful attention to the needs of all the various interest groups in the church. This includes women, children, married couples, singles, men, boys, girls, teenage parents, persons with disability, divorced, and others.
  • To make available resource materials that serve to assist field and local church directors with conducting training seminars, conducting the various family emphasis days and annual programs, witnessing activities, children’s stories, and sermon preparation.

  We want Christ to be in every family, in every Adventist home in our union, because “with Jesus in the family, happy, happy home.”

Additional Resources