The Health Ministries Department of the Atlantic Caribbean Union of Seventh-day Adventists (ATCU) completed its first Level 1 Health Promoter’s Certification Training with 75 graduates from the four conferences comprising ATCU namely, the Cayman Islands Conference, the North Bahamas Conference, the South Bahamas Conference (SBC), and the Turks and Caicos Islands Conference. The certification sessions provided the participants with over 12 hours of theory and practical training in areas such as nutrition, anatomy, food preparation, and hydrotherapy.
Annie K. Price, health ministries director of ATCU, collaborated with the Health Ministries Department of the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (IAD) to provide the training to as many persons as possible through three intense virtual training sessions, culminating with the virtual graduation on Sunday, May 30, 2021.
In the keynote address, Pastor Peter Kerr, president of ATCU, told the graduates that their service was vital not only to the church but to the community at large. Expanding on the theme of the training, “Joining Hearts and Hands, We Will Go,” Kerr emphasized that with this training each now has the task to share hope with people everywhere. “You are to be streams of light that banish darkness and ignorance and superstition,” said Kerr.

Graduates gave testimonies of how the training impacted their lives and how excited they were to share the information in their churches and communities.
“I have made the 8 laws of health a daily part of my own life,” says Tabatha Ambrose, one of the graduates from the SBC. Tabatha testified that although she still struggles with getting enough sleep, she has been getting in more exercise, drinking more water, and has even changed to a plant-based diet.

Belkis Archbold and Dr. Franck Geneus, former and current health ministries directors of the IAD, respectively, addressed the delegates and urged them to present the health message as a gift from God.
“Do not use the health message to judge or accuse others,” said Mrs. Archbold as she reminded them that the health promoter is one who counsels. Encouraging the graduates to grow continuously in knowledge, Dr. Franck admonished, “Be ready to get involved eagerly and generously with the Health Ministries of your local church.”
Annie Price charged the graduates to collaborate and conduct similar trainings and certifications within their respective conferences so that each local church can become a center for health and healing.