The Family Ministries Department is inviting members throughout the territory of the Atlantic Caribbean Union of Seventh-day Adventists (ATCU) to celebrate Christian Home and Marriage Week from February 12 – 19, 2022. This week is a time when the family is highlighted with an emphasis on marriage and parenting. A resource packet has been provided to local conference Family Ministries directors to assist churches in planning and celebrating this week. Seminar material has also been supplied for use in the churches.
Commenting about the importance of the week, Pastor Michael A. Smith, ATCU Family Ministries director noted, “The Christian Home and Marriage Week is a blessing for all the families in our communities. We have the opportunity to reaffirm marriage and place an emphasis on developing or maintaining wholesome parental relationships. God has designed the family. The inspirational and insightful writer, Ellen G. White, penned the following, ‘In the home the foundation is laid for the prosperity of the church. The influences that rule in the home life are carried into the church life; therefore, church duties should first begin in the home’ (Adventist Home, page 318).”
Pastor Smith is encouraging church leaders to strengthen the fabric of homes that comprise congregations within the union, especially that of new followers of Christ. “May the churches and our homes be places where the healing balm of God’s grace and love is administered. Let’s highlight to our newly baptised brothers and sisters God’s and our interest in them having solid marriages and blessed households. Let’s make the most of the material given to the local conference Family Ministries directors for our churches. This could be a very good means of consolidating homes and new members.”
Pastor Peter Kerr, ATCU president, is asking families to make this week special and invite another family in their neighbourhood to join them for family worship to bring in the Sabbath at the set of sun on Friday, February 18, 2022. “Such a meaningful time together,” notes Pastor Kerr, “can make a difference in our communities and be a powerful witness to the cause of God.”
Families and churches interested in taking part and planning activities for this week should contact their local conference or local church Family Ministries directors for more information.
With a membership of 33,130, ATCU, which is headquartered in Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas, comprises four fields, namely, the Cayman Islands Conference, the North Bahamas Conference, the South Bahamas Conference, and the Turks and Caicos Islands Conference. In addition, Northern Caribbean University, which is located in Mandeville, Jamaica, is jointly owned and operated by ATCU and the Jamaica Union.